Being a Bullies Victim is a Choice…

Bullies are everywhere. I find as an adult that Adults who should be setting a good example are not. They are being hurtful and hateful bullying others. I myself have been subject to bullying as an adult. This has allowed me to see that I am only a victim if I allow myself to be one.

I may be different, I’m short, have stretch marks from pregnancy, lots of freckles, and also have a ton of gray at the age of 36. I am imperfect. I can laugh too loud at the wrong moment, speak out of turn, and draw the wrong conclusions. I am imperfect.

My imperfections are unique. Being unique makes me beautiful.
My imperfections are unique. Being unique makes me beautiful.

But, each imperfection is unique with a story. It is a part that makes me, me. I choose to love the person that I am, imperfections and all. I choose to be unique. I have made mistakes, lost focus, and made a mess. But without them I wouldn’t be who I am today. I have forgiven and learned a lesson. I have earned my right to be unique. Bullies may say what they say. But I am alright with myself. I am no victim to their abuse. Their words and actions can’t reach my soul. I will always choose to be uniquely me. In this there is beauty.

There is a reason that bullies bully. Though they don’t realize it themselves. They are hurting and filled with anger. Taking it out on everyone else. They become envious by jealousy. Then act out being extreme. They may see a person thrive with a trait that they were made fun of, a very sad thing, or simply just can’t stand the thought of someone succeeding when they are not doing the same. There are many reasons why a bully is a bully. It all comes down to bullies being a victim. A victim to their negative emotions from their hurt and pain. Of living in the past and not forgiving. They bully to feel empowered thinking it will help them gain.

So, give no room for a bullies hateful hurt. Stand tall amidst their storm. Don’t feed into their hate but shine with love. Blinding their darkness with rays of light. Creating strength by their weakness.  Allowing you to rise above. Be confident in who you are. If a bully attacks try giving a hug. (Yes, I have actually done this to see what would happen. It made them speechless.)

Now, I just want to say …children learn by example. If adults can’t set a positive one. Then the next generation will just continue, with hurt and hate by the adults who bully. Bullying creates more bullies. So take a stand and like my friends page. Lets support her in her walk of choosing to S.T.A.Y. (Strength To Accept Yourself)…….

“If you would like to comment on how you overcame bullying.
It just might encourage someone in need.”

Following Your Heart…

Following Your Heart

All my life I’ve heard the saying,


This sounds like great advice. Infact it has been around for decades. When someone is seeking wisdom in areas of life they are struggling in, this saying is a very popular expression. With this everyone feels good. BUT, and this is a big but …this is an example of a generational lie that has been around for a very long time.

Matthew 15:16-19

Explains that sin comes from the heart. That whatever evil comes from our inner-selves Will defile us. From our heart comes emotions, from emotions come attitude,  from attitude comes actions, and most of the time these actions are negative and hurtful. In this I say do not follow your heart. The best advice I can give is check your heart, if your emotions are positive bringing goodness to all, then yes, follow your heart. This will bring blessings to you and those around you.


Losing Battles Doesn’t Mean You’ve Lost the War

Winning a war is all in your attitude, determination, and fearlessness.  In this you most certainly have won the war even if you are still fighting and losing some battles. A war is not lost unless you quit and give up. Stay strong and keep moving forward. Just because you can’t see the end of your journey doesn’t mean that you can’t know if the war is won or lost, choose to win!100_902

Picture by me… and multimedia, love playing around with my pictures on the computer.

Preparing for Life’s Mountains…

You wouldn’t climb a mountain naked. If you do, then you’re going to find it hard. Your feet will take the brunt of it, getting cuts, thorns, and bruises. Your legs will sting with scratches. Your body can become sunburnt or cold, depending on the temperature, you may even get frostbite.

But, not only your physical form is abused, your emotions may become negative. You can feel embarrassed, self-conscious, and exposed to discouraging elements.

When climbing a mountain you need to prepare. You will need hiking boots, clothing to protect your skin, and maybe a walking stick, or gear. (Depending how steep the mountain is, you might have to climb rocks…) let’s not forget the food and water. It’s smart to be prepared.

Of course, if you’re like me, you’re running up and down, back and forth, because you get part way up when you realize you forgot something. This is very tiresome. It also takes longer.

301_6590 (2)Study your mountain, prepare, stay determine, and be focused. You will reach the peak.

I would love to hear how you climb your mountains…

Home Sweet Home

(Sorry for missing the last two days, I say I’m going to try to blog daily, then things get in the way …these things seem to always happen to me.) Grrr, lol. Really, not very funny…

Home Sweet Home,

4915 035I used to be ashamed of the way we live, it embarrassed me. But it doesn’t anymore. Living in a trailer has proved to me, that home truly is where the heart is.

Growing up I lived in an awesome place, a nice house with a river for our back yard. It was like being on vacation everyday (except when I had to do chores… hehe ).

Now, I’m on a different vacation, I’m camping for the time being. I love to camp. Although this is camping, ‘mansion style.’ Tents are more fun.

It doesn’t matter if your homeless or in a mansion, home is where you feel accepted, safe, and loved. Home is the people close to you, family and friends. Home is where you, “Ahhh” with contentment  and happiness.

No home is perfect. But, there is still love even though there is anger. There is forgiveness when there is hurt. Struggling with hardships, a home is where all is okay in the end. This is what home is for me.

I would love to hear comments on what a home means to you… (If you’re brave enough)

The Lighthouse

We all have something that pulls us out of our dark places. It could be beliefs, family, friends, hobbies, or love. When light shines in our darkest times, follow it. That light is created by something that’s important to us. It helps us to live, to exist. It helps us to feel that we have worth. ‘That light’ is positive energy that pulls us from our negative selves.
I have been so deeply depressed that I have been suicidal. I was emotionally struggling with standing on rocking waves trying to find footing in the foggy storm. It took me years to overcome the fears to open up about the way I felt. ‘That light’ that pulled me from my dark self was my beliefs, family, and love. Once I grasped on to ‘that light’ and allowed it to pull me out, I found, that I was able to open up. Once I opened up I felt free. It was not easy at first… the first step, first climb, was the hardest. After, it became easier.
I know I have worth being an at-home wife and mother, I know I am ‘somebody’ even though I am nobody, I know to exist is important, life is important. Let’s live and persevere through our struggles.

Follow your lighthouse from the deep currents of the storming sea. It will set you free.

The Lighthouse…….I know, this story may have a bit of a corny ending. 🙂

Life’s Changes

Life will change. You may have your sights set on things in the future or have no idea what to do or be. I am one of the latter ones. I graduated highschool without any knowledge of what I wanted to do or be. Now I’m 35 years old with a supportive husband and three crazy kids, having found the desire to be a marriage and relationship counselor and an author. My circumstances giving me passion about writing and helping others. I have found my future. I have been working on a book proposal for the last three months for a finished book called “Finding True Love”. Based off of my own experiences, Christian beliefs, and knowledge of finding true love within. Even though I know this is a time-consuming road, homeschooling my children, and watching my brother-in-laws three little kids to boot, I am up against even more obstacles. But, for me, this is a journey worth fighting for. It is never too late to find your passion, and worth every battle fought.

I will blog some of my literature from poems to short stories, even my crazy-off-the-wall writings and deep thoughts from the heart, along with the journey I’m on. So, I will end this with the hope that I will reach and encourage many people, with life’s many changes and hardships there is a silver lining and sunshine at the end of each journey.